Clarifying Notes for the 2023 Budget From the Desk of the Supervisor Melinda McKnight

I’m pleased to have the ability to provide you with a 2023 Budget without an increase in property taxes for Town operations that include: Town Hall, Transfer Station, Building Department, Town Clerk’s Office, Planning & Zoning Departments, Assessor’s Office, Town Historian, Park, Rail Trail, Recreation & Justice Court.

This budget represents a new approach. My approach to the budgeting process is very different from those of previous administrations. Twenty-five years of budgeting experience in the non-profit and for profit sectors, participation in the Association of Towns (AOT) Mentorship Program for New Supervisors, attendance at OSC/AOT Newly Elected School, consistent attendance at the Ulster County Board of Supervisors and Mayors meetings, regular communication with both my assigned AOT Mentor as well as my counterparts in other towns and guidance from the New York State Comptroller’s Office as well as the Ulster County Comptroller’s Office have been very helpful in creating a budget to meet the needs and demands of these times.

The Budgeting Process began in August when we examined the needs of each department and requested input from staff. It was clear from the staff that we began this process earlier than previous administrations. I reviewed every revenue stream and all appropriations. Two years of service on the Town Board and three full Quarters of 2023 as Supervisor have provided me with an understanding of Town operations and helped identify opportunities to improve efficiency in operations. In preparing this year’s budget, several key questions and clarifications needed to be answered and addressed. These were as follows:

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Hurley correcting budget figures due to spreadsheet snafu


Holiday Sale at the Hurley Heritage Museum Nov 26-27th