Proposed Hurley Comprehensive Plan Is Anti-Business (Letter to Editor - Kingston Wire)

Following a review of the proposed Hurley comprehensive plan, Ulster Strong views the document as fundamentally anti-business.  Although Hurley doesn’t have much commercial business, this plan will shrink it further, resulting in rising tax rates on homeowners to compensate for lost tax revenue. The plan further limits: where business may be located; what kind of business; forbids ‘formula’ stores (like Hannaford, Stewarts, and Dunkin); and precludes new construction of businesses (may only use pre-existing homes for commercial businesses).  In sum, the plan will guarantee that the only businesses permitted in Hurley are ‘boutiques’ that cater (in price and type) to tourists and second homeowners. This approach hurts the local economy and makes it harder for the majority of folks who live and work here. 

The plan almost eliminates specific commercial zones, offering instead new ‘floating commercial districts’ for commercial.  In contrast to having specific zones, floating districts can more easily be manipulated, abused, and open to political ‘influence’, and result in inconsistent rules and decision-making.  Business and investors need consistency to operate. Floating districts will add more time, bureaucracy, and cost to doing business in Hurley.  

Ulster Strong supports responsible, sustainable development.  We believe that it is possible to both maintain our natural resources while encouraging businesses and the opportunities they bring.

Meagan P. Bianco

Ulster Strong

Community Engagement Director



Town of Hurley Comprehensive Plan presentation draws packed house (Mid Hudson News)


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