Annual Scarecrow Invasion

This Halloween season, the Hurley Heritage Society is inviting the creative and imaginative to participate in its annual Scarecrow Invasion.

Adults, children, groups, businesses and organizations may create and display their own scarecrow creations. Scarecrows will be displayed on the front lawn of the Hurley Heritage Society Museum, located at 52 Main Street in Hurley, from October 21 thru November 1st.  Prizes are given for the Most Creative, the Scariest, Most Seasonal, and Most Historical.

To participate, you must register by calling 845-338-7686 or email by October 16. Registration is free.  Delivery of participating scarecrows must be brought to the museum, on a post to stick in the ground, on Friday October 21st any time between 12 and 4pm.

Scarecrows should have attached participant’s contact information (name, phone and email).  Please,  no political scarecrows. (Scarecrows must be removed by EOD November 2nd).

Prizes include gift certificates to Herzogs, Stewarts, Boice’s Milk House and others, and announced on the Hurley Heritage Society’s website and Facebook accounts by Sunday evening October 23rd.

More info on HHS and Scarecrow Invasion:


Public Hearing Scheduled On Hurley Town Budget for 2023


HURLEY TOWN Workshop Meeting Tuesday October 11, 2022 7pm at Town Hall