Letter to Editor: Tell Hurley Town Board to Back Off Building Moratorium

Early in 2022 the town board's leadership under supervisor McKnight eliminated a standing comprehensive planning committee, and assumed it's responsibilities themselves. Later last year a town survey was conducted as part of a new comprehensive plan initiative, a process that may have big consequences for Hurley.  So far there has been radio silence on any of the findings from the survey or process.

Now, Supervisor McKnight is asking for approval to implement a town moratorium on building applications and land development activities on lots as small as a half acre in certain areas of Hurley, without sharing with the public any of the relevant survey findings that she and only some board members have access.  McKnight claims she's motivated by a desire to ‘get out in front’ of the anticipated comprehensive plan recommendations that will be released to the public - soon we’re told.  She also says she is unaware of any potential development and building applications in the proposed moratorium zones. Then why do an end-run around the entire comprehensive planning process in the first place if there is nothing pending?

This is part of a pattern with the McKnight administration - little transparency and no diversity of input, and a non-sensical, litigious  approach towards land use, zoning and building.  Another example of no transparency is the stonewalling of numerous Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests sent to the town, on this and other matters. Under Mcknight in just one year, the town's legal expenditures have dramatically increased due in great part to several misguided decisions relating to proposed developments in town.

Placing a moratorium on spot zoning is in certain circumstances illegal, certainly not ethical, and again sets the Town up for yet another lawsuit.  

Come out April 18th at 7pm at town hall and share your opinions on this proposed Hurley building moratorium, and tell the board to let the comprehensive planning process move forward as it's supposed to.

Former Hurley Supervisor and concerned tax payer 
John Perry


View original letter on Kingston Wire >>


Important Message from Dr. Paul J. Padalino, Kingston School District Superintendent


Hurley Town Board Meeting workshop (VIDEO) April 4, 2023