Town Board annual organizational meeting Tuesday, January 10, 2023 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

The Hurley Town Board will hold its 2023 organizational meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 10, in the West Hurley Firehouse, 24 Wall St., West Hurley, NY.

All town meetings are open to the public.


UPDATED WITH AGENDA including Resolution - see below:

The 2023 Organizational Meeting of the Town of Hurley, 7:00 PM     on January 10, 2023 at the West Hurley Fire District #1


Presiding:      Supervisor Melinda McKnight


Councilmembers: Michael Boms, Peter Humphries, Jana Martin, Gregory Simpson


RESOLUTION #2023 - 1:                                                                                                        


Offered by ___________________  Seconded by _____________________                   

BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Hurley as follows:


1.    The Kingston Daily Freeman is designated the Newspaper of Record for the Town of Hurley for 2023.


2.    The Town Board of the Town of Hurley, pursuant to Section 64 of the Town Law, does hereby designate Bank of Greene County, 2 Miron Lane Kingston as the depository for the funds of the Supervisor and the Town Clerk/Tax Collector for 2023.


3.    The following attorneys are designated as Attorneys for the Town of Hurley for 2023: Rodenhausen, Chale & Polidoro; Roemer, Wallens, Gold & Mineaux; Grant & Lyons.   


4.    James Decker is appointed Town of Hurley Historian for the year 2023.


5.    The SPCA is appointed as Dog Control Officer for the year 2023.


6.    The following firms shall serve as Engineers for the Town for 2023:

a.    Brinnier and Larios

b.    Crawford & Associates


7.    Javier Perez, Sr. is appointed as Transfer Station Operator for 2023.


8. Patricia (Annie) Reed, is appointed Deputy Town Clerk #1 for the year 2023.                          


9. Judy Mayhon is appointed Registrar of Vital Statistics and Patricia (Annie) Reed, Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics for the year 2023.


10. Judy Mayhon is appointed Records Management Officer and Fixed Assets Manager for the year 2023.


11. The Annual Salaries for 2023 are as follows:

      Supervisor                                                                                  $28,000.00

Councilmembers                                                                        $  6,000.00   

Town Clerk/Tax Collector                                                         $48,890.00

Town Justices                                                                             $20,240.00

Assessor/BOR Chair                                                              $48,000.00

     Highway Superintendent                                                           $54,675.00

     Bldg Insp/Code Enforcement Officer II                       ,           $60,000.00

     Zoning Enforcement Officer                                                     $60,000.00   

Financial Officer                                                                         $  5,000.00


Bookkeeper                                                                                 $36,426.00

Public Information Officer                                                         $35,000.00

     Transfer Station Operator                                                    $45,760.00               

     Deputy Operator                                                                  $19/hr

            Recycling Coordinator                                                             $19/hr                

Transfer Station Attendants                                                     $15.60/hour  


      Fixed Assets Officer                                                                 $250/year

      Registrar of Vital Statistics                                                       $250/year

Town Historian                                                                           $250/month

      Court Traffic Prosecutor                                                           $150/hour


Deputy Town Clerk                                                                    $17/hr

     Clerk to Justices                                                                         $22/hr

     Court Security Officer (pt) -                                                       $25/hr (3 hr min)

     Assessor’s Aide #1                                                                    $17/hr

Clerk to the Zoning Board                                                        $17/hr

Clerk to the Planning Board                                                     $17/hr

Assistant to the Supervisor                                                      $19/hr

All other Clerks                                                                           $17/hr                            

Code Enforcement Officers/Fire Inspector - Part time        $35/hour


Contractual Snow Plowers

Pick up with 7’- 8’ plow                         $45.00/hour

1 ton with 9’ plow                                  $50.00/hour

Any vehicle with sander              +      $12.00/hour                                                             


12. Melinda McKnight is appointed Delegate to the Association of Towns Meeting, and Peter Humphries is appointed Alternate Delegate for the year 2023.


13. Highway employees are to be paid at a rate agreed upon with UPSEU (United Public Service Employees Union) in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.                                          


14. The mileage rate is to be adjusted based on the Federal rate as of 2023.


15. Regular Town Board meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of each month at the Town Hall, 10 Wamsley Place at 7:00 PM.


16. Workshop Town Board Meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of each month at the West Hurley Fire District #1, 24 Wall St, West Hurley at 7:00 PM


17. Monthly Expenses and Invoices will be reviewed and signed by 6:00 PM prior to the Workshop and Town Board Meetings.


18. The Annual Town Board Audit Meeting will be held at the Town Hall 60 days after the close of books of prior year.


19. All claims, bills, vouchers etc. must be submitted to the Bookkeeper on the Wednesday before each monthly Workshop and Town Board Meeting.  All Claims or Vouchers must be accompanied with purchase bills or receipts of purchased items and signed and dated by Department Heads where applicable.  Vouchers, bills and claims will be reviewed and signed beginning at 6:00 PM at Workshop and Town Board Meetings held on the first and third Tuesday of each month.


20. The Superintendent of Highways shall submit to the Supervisor on the Wednesday before each monthly Workshop Meeting a copy of the Warrant Sheet of Highway Claims. Copies of the Warrant Sheet must be presented to the Town Board for audit.


21. All Committees are expected to designate a Chairperson or Co-Chairpersons, to set their own meeting dates and times and to inform the Public Information Officer to post on the Town of Hurley website.


22. Mitch Cohen is appointed as representative to the Ulster County Planning Board and Margaret (Maggie) Cohen is appointed alternate for the year 2023.


23. The following residents are appointed to fill expired terms:


Planning Board                                                         Term Exp.


Georganne Chapin                                      12/31/2029               



24. The following shall be Town holidays for 2023:

New Year’s Day                               Jan 1

Martin Luther King Day                   Jan 16

Presidents’ Day                                Feb 20

Memorial Day                                   May 29

Juneteenth                                        June 19

Independence Day                          July 4

Labor Day                                         September 4

Indigenous Peoples’ Day                October 9

Election Day                                      November 7

Veterans’ Day                                   November 11

Thanksgiving Day                            November 23

Native American Heritage Day      November 24

Christmas Day                                  December 25


25. The payment of claims prior to audit is authorized for the following: public utility services (such as electric, gas, telephone, cell phone) postage, freight, express charges, health and dental insurance, and payroll related expenses.


26. Town Board Resolution #108, dated August 19, 1996 which approved the Town of Hurley Investment Policy is hereby reapproved.


27. The procurement and investment policies for the Town of Hurley as described in the January 3, 2013 Resolution of the Town Board shall remain in effect but with the revisions authorized by the Town Board in 2022 to give preference to environmentally friendly goods and services. The New York State Comptroller affirms that the following are exempt from the bidding process: 


o     Purchase contracts involving expenditures of $20,000 or less

o     Contracts for public work involving expenditures of $35,000 or less, and

o     Professional services and other procurement not required by law to be competitively bid


28. The following consultants are engaged as planners for the Town of Hurley:

1.                  Nelson, Pope, and Voorhis

2.                  Genus Loci 


29. The Town of Hurley Local Law #3 of 1997 Chapter 143-1 issuing Hawkers
       permits for a fee of $ 75.00 per week is hereby waived for all non profit and
       events in 2023.


30. Peter Humphries is appointed Deputy Supervisor and shall be paid a $2,500.00 stipend for all duties assigned by the Town Supervisor.for the year 2023.


31. Monday February 13, 2023 at 3:00 PM shall be the first Ethics Committee meeting for 2023.                                                                                              


32. The Town Board Rules of Procedure dated January 10, 2023, to be kept on file in the Office of the Town Clerk, are hereby adopted as Chapter 50 of the Code of the Town of Hurley.



33. Following are the Elected Town officials’ names for 2023:


Supervisor:                             Town Clerk/Tax Collector                  Town Justice:

Melinda McKnight                  Judy Mayhon                                       Roy Hochberg



Town Justice:                         Assessor:                                              Councilmember:

John E. Parker                       Brittany Santarelli                                Michael Boms


Councilmember:                    Councilmember:         Councilmember:

Peter Humphries                    Gregory Simpson       Jana Martin


Highway Superintendent

Michael Shultis





Roll call vote:

                                                AYE   NAE

Melinda McKnight                  ___   ___

Peter Humphries                    ___   ___

Jana Martin                             ___   ___

Michael Boms                        ___   ___

Gregory Simpson                  ___   ___



Motion to adjourn:   _____________             


Seconded by: __________________



Jan 10, 2023 Hurley Town Board Meeting (VIDEO) - Reorganization Resolution


Hurley Library January 2023 Calendar of Events