Message to town residents about development proposals (Letter from Hurley Town Govt)

The town of Hurley's elected and appointed boards have been characterized by some as anti-development. This simply is not the case.

The false narrative is based primarily on three proposals: the redevelopment of the former West Hurley Elementary School, the rejuvenation of the Twin Lakes property, and the creation of a Dunkin' Donuts shop at the corner of Routes 28 and 375.

All three proposals predate the current Town Board, and the developers of the school and Twin Lakes projects have so far failed to comply with conditions set forth by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Hurley Planning Board.

Site of Twin Lakes Resort

The goal of the town of Hurley is not to stymie the three projects, or any others, but rather to have the developers adhere to state and local laws. This is essential to the town's broader effort to ensure that, moving forward, the process of addressing such proposals is efficient and limits exposure to liability.

The town's aim is to make well-conceived proposals better and ensure that ill-conceived proposals do not come to fruition without being improved significantly.

Proposed Dunkin

It is an affront to the community when developers work with regional economic development officials to construct a baseless anti-development narrative about a town. And the fabric of our community, as well as its financial well-being, is threatened when developers repeatedly sue to get their way rather than play by the rules.

Indeed, economic development officials appear to be taking a "development by breaking the rules" position in the cases cited above. But allowing established rules to be bypassed is a dangerous game.

The members of the Hurley Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals are able, thorough and thoughtful volunteers doing their due diligence and adhering to the rules for the good of their neighbors and the town as a whole. The town encourages the public to attend and speak at their meetings, as well as Town Board meetings.

The town also urges residents to participate in the Hurley Comprehensive Plan Survey, which can be found online at

Hurley residents have the right to decide what's best for the town and not let outside entities dictate policies based solely on their financial goals.


Site of Hurley Elementary School


Hurley, NY Town Board Meeting (VIDEO) November 22, 2022


Town hires Zoning Enforcement Officer